Agility Dogs


Agility Collie
Mackie (Avonskeep Black Dagger) Grade 7. Competing at the Olympia Finals 2015.
UKA Masters Champion 2016

Regular sports massage is a must for any athlete, just ask David Beckham, Jessica Ennis or Usain Bolt.  Agility dogs are no different, they are athletes and massage should form a regular part of their fitness maintenance program.

Massage therapists are able to  identify problem areas that could injure if not addressed and will help your dog recover should they sustain an injury.

Keeping those muscles supply means they are less likely to injure!







whippet agilityIf you notice any of the following with your dog, it could be they have a muscular injury and it is not a training issue at all

  • Not holding contacts
  • Weave entry issues
  • Measuring
  • Popping out of weaves
  • Changed jumping style
  • Pole knocking
  • Loss of speed
  • Refusing Jumps
  • Reluctant or disinterested

11745348_10206865183013614_8237782288199363378_nOr are there ongoing problems such as

  • Stiffness
  • Hopping
  • Intermittent Lameness

Don’t ignore the signs, give me a call and arrange an appointment for your dog.  Get an idea of what is going on within your dog’s body and find out what can be done to help them.